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We all have done many things to try to reach and please God. The Bible clearly explains that we as humans do not seek after God but that He seeks after us. Here is how God explains the situation and solution from the Holy Bible; which is God’s very words shown exactly to men and perfectly without error written for us so we can connect with God once and for all! 

God’s Simple Plan of Salvation

My Friend: I am asking you the most important question of life. Your joy or your sorrow for all eternity depends upon your answer. The question is: Are you saved? It is not a question of how good you are, nor if you are a church member, but are you saved? Are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die?
God says in order to go to Heaven, you must be born again. In John 3:7, Jesus said to Nicodemus, “I said to you, “You must be born from above.” What I said should not surprise you.”
In the Bible God gives us the plan of how to be born again which means to be saved. His plan is simple! You can be saved today. How?
First, my friend, you must realize you are a sinner. “All people have done wrong things. Nobody can be good and great, as God wanted them to be (Romans 3:23).
Because you are a sinner, you are condemned to death. “ If you serve sin as your master, it will pay you with death. But if you belong to our Lord Jesus Christ, God gives you a gift! That gift is life with God for ever” (Romans 6:23). This includes eternal separation from God in Hell.
 “ Every person must die once. After death, God will judge each person” (Hebrews 9:27).
But God loved you so much He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, to bear your sin and die in your place.Christ never did any wrong thing, but God punished him as if he had. He died as punishment for our sins. As a result, we become right with God when belong to Christ. We become right, because he is right” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
The blood of an animal gives it life. You must put the blood on the altar. God has given the blood to you to atone for your sins. It makes your life right again, because of the blood” (Lev. 17:11). “ God's Law taught that blood was necessary to make almost everything clean. We see that God does not forgive people for their sins unless there is blood from a death” (Hebrews 9:22).
“ But God has shown us how much he loves us. Even when we still did not obey God, Christ died on our behalf.” (Romans 5:8).
Although we cannot understand how, God said my sins and your sins were laid upon Jesus and He died in our place. He became our substitute. It is true. God cannot lie.
My friend, “In past times people did not know the true things about God. Because of this, God did not punish them. But now God tells people everywhere, “Stop doing bad things and turn to me!” (Acts 17:30). This repentance is a change of mind that agrees with God that one is a sinner, and also agrees with what Jesus did for us on the Cross.
In Acts 16:30-31, the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas: “Then he led Paul and Silas out of the prison. He said to them, ‘Masters, what must I do so that God will save me? Tell me! Paul and Silas said to him, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus and then God will save you. He will save you and your family, if they believe too.”
Simply believe on Him as the one who bore your sin, died in your place, was buried, and whom God resurrected. His resurrection powerfully assures that the believer can claim everlasting life when Jesus is received as Savior.
 “Some people did accept him and they believed in him. He gave authority to those people to become God's children” (John 1:12).
“As it says in the Bible: ‘The Lord God will save everyone who asks him for help.” (Romans 10:13). Whosoever includes you. Shall be saved means not maybe, nor can, but shall be saved.

Surely, you realize you are a sinner. Right now, wherever you are, repenting, lift your heart to God in prayer.
In Luke 18:13, the sinner prayed: “But the other man stood far away. He would not even look up towards heaven. He was hitting his body with his hands to show how sorry he was. He prayed like this: “Please, God, be kind to me. I have done many bad things.”
Just take God at His word and claim His salvation by faith. Believe, and you will be saved. No church, no lodge, no good works can save you. Remember, God does the saving. All of it!
God’s simple plan of salvation is: You are a sinner. Therefore, unless you believe on Jesus Who died in your place, you will spend eternity in Hell. If you believe on Him as your crucified, buried, and risen Savior, you receive forgiveness for all of your sins and His gift of eternal salvation by faith.
You say, “Surely, it cannot be that simple.” Yes, that simple! It is scriptural. It is God’s plan. My friend, believe on Jesus and receive Him as Savior today.
If His plan is not perfectly clear, read this tract over and over, without laying it down, until you understand it. Your soul is worth more than all the world.
“A person could get everything in the whole world for himself. But if he loses his life, this would not be any good for him”. (Mark 8:36).
Be sure you are saved. If you lose your soul, you miss Heaven and lose all. Please! Let God save you this very
God’s power will save you, keep you saved, and enable you to live a victorious Christian life. “You may often want to do wrong things. The things that are difficult for you are difficult for other people too. Remember that God is always there to help you. He will not let any bad thing be too difficult for you. He will help you to stand against it. When you want to do something wrong, God will make you strong in your spirit. He will show you a way out, so that you do not do anything wrong” (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Do not trust your feelings. They change. Stand on God’s promises. They never change. After you are saved, there are three things to practice daily for spiritual growth:
Pray -- you talk to God.
Read your Bible -- God talks to you.
You should be baptized in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ as a public testimony of your salvation, and then unite with a Bible-believing church without delay. “So do not be ashamed of the message about our Lord that we tell people. And do not be ashamed of me because I am in a prison. I am a prisoner because I serve Christ. You must understand that you will receive trouble because you tell people the good news about Jesus Christ. So, be ready to have the same kind of trouble as I have. Let God make you strong when you have trouble” (2 Timothy 1:8)
“You should say clearly to other people, “I believe in Jesus.” If you do that, I will say to my Father in heaven, “This is someone who is my disciple” (Matthew 10:32).
Copyright: Lifegate Inc., 2007

It’s NOT about changing your religion it is about opening your heart and mind to the TRUTH of Jesus love for you! When we do, He heals us, forgiving all our sins and seeing us as perfect and acceptable. We are God’s chosen children when we surrender to His will. Will you obey Jesus today? Trade your sorrows and sins for His eternal gift of joy! ❤


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God says in Ezekiel 36:26 “I will make you new inside. I will give you a new spirit. You will no longer turn away from me. I will make you want to do the things that give me pleasure.”

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